Welcoming Students To The Global Economy Through Interactive Internet Learning

What People Are Saying?

We feel the simulation was successful for at least two reasons. First, the design of the simulation was effective in that it had a “low threshold” and a “high ceiling. (Myers, Hudson, & Pausch, 2000). These researchers have argued that effective tools have a “low threshold” if they make it easy for novices to get started….Furthermore, the simulation also had a “high ceiling” in that it allowed participants to employ increasingly sophisticated strategies. In this case, the more participants learned about leading their country in the simulation, the more they realized they could do. Furthermore, the simulation had “wide walls” in that it supported a range of explorations (Resnick et.al., 2005). …In short, the simulation’s design made the tool appropriate for a diverse group of learners.”

The second valuable aspect of the simulation was that it provided participants with two important perspectives. At any given time, participants could focus on their own national development or the overall progress of the world. This was done by giving participants access to a “National Briefing” and a “World Briefing”—two views of the same world, but from very different perspectives. By moving between these perspectives, participants were given the opportunity to experience the challenges and opportunities of life in a globalized world.”

    Seungoh Paek and Daniel Hoffman, Journal of Cyber Education, 2016.

“It is important to realize that Simpolicon is not a video game in the traditional sense of the word. Growing up I have played many video games that may appear similar to Simpolicon on the surface; however, no such game has the same learning utilities and personal interactions that Simpolicon does. Most games are destructive in nature where players are pitted against one another and the winner is whoever eliminates the most enemies. Simpolicon is an Economics and International Relations simulation, not a recreational video game. While war is by far not the focus of this simulation, it is one of many components of Simpolicon because without it the simulation would be unrealistic.”
    Former Los Gatos High School Student

Kristen Hermosillo said she doesn't care much for history, but her experience running Congo made the class more memorable. "I'll remember the simulation," she said.
    The Los Gatos Weekly Times, March 8, 2006

“High quality course ware.”
    Minnesota State Department of Education

“My husband and I both have MBA degrees from a good school, and we never had a learning tool this powerful!”
    The mother of a former student at Los Gatos High School

“Some of my friends really want to do the simulation. They say they want a particular country and [to] make an alliance."
    Los Gatos High School Sophomore

“People were crying last semester because of the pollution points.”
    Los Gatos High School sophomore

“Aaron, . . . said one of the keys to his team's success last semester was making Portugal, their country, self-sufficient. He said he has an appreciation now for how complex the job of a world leaders is. His classmates have similar backgrounds and speak the same language, and yet there were still difficulties. "How much more difficult is it for people with all the different religions and backgrounds to interact in the world?"
    The Los Gatos Weekly Times, March 8, 2006.